
If you have an account

If you already have an account, please log in using the button below.
[ For urgent reservations, please call 078-763-0310 ]

For those who have made a reservation for the first trial free of charge,

If you would like to reserve a lesson,

please note
  • If the change is canceled less than 120 minutes before the training start time,a change/cancellation fee (5,500 yen) will be charged.
  • Please change/cancel your scheduled session at least 120 minutes before the training start time.
  • If canceled without prior notice, a cancellation fee will be charged.
  • Please be at the designated location by the scheduled start time of your session.

To book online training

There is no free first trial of online training.
Notes on online training
  • If you are unable to participate in the session, please be sure to cancel.
  • Refunds will be accepted for cancellations up to the day before the training.
    However, please note that your refund will be deducted from payment fees.
  • Please note that refunds will not be given for cancellations made on the same day.
  • Please note that if you cancel without completing the cancellation procedures, we will not be able to refund any pre-paid fees.

For those who have set their spam email settings

If you have spam settings, please be aware that emails from "" and "" Please register so you can receive it.

during training

Please make a reservation below