Stretching Bodywork

50 Minute or 80 Minute

Improving your range of motion will change your body!
The stretching chiropractic course is not just a program to "loosen up" your body, but also a program to help you "move your body."
Improve your flexibility and correct distortions while fundamentally improving pain and discomfort. Even those who are not confident in their exercise will be supported to move their bodies without strain.
When you are stressed or feeling tired, stretching will help you get your "base of mind and body" back on track and get you moving again in a positive manner.
Stretching Bodywork

Are you worried about these things?

I want to exercise, but I'm afraid because I'm too stiff.
  • I want to start exercising, but I still can't find the courage
I want to start exercising, but I still can't find the courage
  • Start with some gentle stretching to prepare for exercise.
I can't exercise because of the pain
  • Improve your condition and get your body moving again
Even if you get a massage, you only feel relief for a moment.
  • Correct your posture and improve your condition from the root
I want to live my whole life with a healthy body.
  • Extending healthy lifespan and enabling a body to move for life
I want to improve my athletic performance
  • Increase your range of motion and achieve your ideal performance

ストレッチ×整体×BASE for

What you gain from stretching is an important element that supports all "BASEs."
BASE for stretching is not just flexibility exercises. It is designed to improve "everyone's BASE" and improve exercise, work, and life.
Let's build your "BASE" together through stretching.
A trainer who has obtained a national license as a judo therapist will propose the most suitable treatment according to the customer's purpose and approach the whole body.
The purpose of chiropractic is to balance the skeleton and muscles and improve physical discomfort from the root.
Stretching can approach the deep parts of the body (muscles close to the bones), which also helps prevent future pain. By combining two approaches, chiropractic and stretching, we will propose the most suitable treatment according to the customer's purpose.

We also treat elderly people.
From the perspective of nursing care prevention, we approach muscles that have become stiff due to fatigue accumulated from daily physical activity and are prone to pain due to poor circulation, and aim to improve posture and motor function by expanding the movement of joints that become narrower as muscle flexibility decreases. This can be expected to prevent falls, such as reducing stumbling and improving balance ability.

Therapist Introduction

Course Flow

Possible effects and reactions after treatment

Positive reaction (muscle pain)
Although it varies from person to person, stretching has an exercise effect, so muscle pain may occur.
Since you are moving your body in a range that you normally do not move, you may experience muscle pain similar to that after exercising for the first time in a while.

Muscle pain is a healing reaction. A healing reaction is a temporary symptom that occurs in the process of changing the body from a bad state to a good state.
Pain and fatigue may appear, and occur as waste and fatigue substances are expelled. Symptoms appear 1 to 3 days after the stretching chiropractic treatment and often last for 1 to 3 days, but will subside naturally.

Those who fall under the following categories cannot receive treatment as it may lead to a deterioration of their physical condition or medical condition.
*Please check before making a reservation*

Reservations only 
No registration fee/monthly fee
For your first experience, we offer a special program where you can experience the effects of counseling and stretching treatment!
Stretching Bodywork First experience [50 minutes] 3,300 yen
First experience [80 minutes] 5,500 yen
Make a reservation here

Stretching Bodywork

50-minute course
1-Ticket 7,700yen
[Expiration date: 6 months]
[6,600 yen (about 50 minutes) x 4 sessions]
[Expiration date: 3 months]
[5,500 yen (about 50 minutes) x 10 sessions]
80-minute course
1-Ticket 12,320yen
[Expiration date: 6 months]
[10,560 yen (approx. 80 mins) x 4 sessions]
[Expiration date: 3 months]
[8,800 yen (approx. 80 mins) x 10 sessions]
*All prices include tax.
With the set discount, you can get a 40% greater bargain!

Training + Stretching Chiropractic Set Discount

トIdeal for post-training care!
By receiving a set of stretching and chiropractic treatments, you can enjoy a better deal than the regular price.
Stretching Bodywork 30Minutes Training Fees + 2,800yen
Stretching Bodywork 50Minutes Training Fees + 4,600yen

Stretching extension option

Stretching treatment can be extended in 10 minute increments.
10Minutes 1,200yen
Get the most out of your training with effective body care!
*All prices include tax.

Book your first experience here

make a reservation